Newly Published: Shores of Gold: An Ode to Fife, Scotland
Text: Amy Selstad
Illustrations: Amy Selstad
Publisher: Self-published
One day I wrote a poem about Scotland, particularly about a county called Fife. For seven months, I lived, explored, and grew to appreciate the nature there. Then I moved back home and wrote my memories into a poem. The poem later evolved into a children’s book titled Shores of Gold. It is essentially a love letter to Fife. A celebration of its rich history, nature preservation, sea creatures, and the people who live there.
It is my hope that the scenery will inspire readers to appreciate Fife, but especially the beauty of nature, even in their own hometown.
In terms of the creative process, I began with formatting the text into the correct dimensions using InDesign. Then I printed out the pages and drew sketches on top using a pencil. After all the sketches were complete, I scanned the images and used Procreate to digitally color the scenes. Then I returned to InDesign to piece together the entire book.